I understand the big take away from debate number three is Trump’s refusal to accept the election results. Now is the time to start an offensive for congressional control. The congressional republicans have gone to ground so they don’t have to answer for every unhinged utterance from The Donald. They do not want to talk about their party's standard bearer. So how can democrats use this to encourage voters down ballot?
Voters are sick of the gridlock started by the GOP on January 20, 2009. But, in the increasingly likely event of a Clinton victory, the Republicans seem prepared to continue the strategy. John McCain is already on record saying he will block Clinton’s SCOTUS pick:
“I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up,” McCain said.
So now we start asking every congressional candidate #willyougovern ? A simple inquiry. Will you commit now to respect the voters of the country and work with the duly elected president?
Democratic candidates will answer emphatically YES, confident (but not overly) in a victory. Republicans are faced with three options: A YES with the polls trending toward Hillary is a betrayal of their rabid base. A NO is a public statement acknowledging Trump’s imminent defeat and incurs pushback from the independents who want progress. And the ONLY IF WE WIN, exposes the partisanship we know fuels their behavior and hopefully turns more districts blue. Most of all it starts a dialogue about the choice to obstruct. Hopefully exposing an attempt to run the same play against Clinton #45
Copy and paste this tweet to all the candidates in your district/state
Do you plan to accept the outcome of the election and work with the new president? #willyougovern
It leaves 43 characters for tags. Happy tweeting.